Asset Protection

Your Trusted Advisors for Asset Protection


Holmden Horrocks offers advice to NZ individuals and families on how to protect and manage their assets & wealth.

We provide advice about structures that best suit the clients needs, depending on lifestage and complexity.

Within New Zealand, there is currently a significant intergenerational transfer of wealth & property occurring. We guide our clients through this sometimes complex process ensuring the needs of all parties are considered.

Types of trust & asset protection work we do:
  • Forming trusts
  • Adminstering trusts - family, eduational, trading and charitable
  • Processes to comply with Trusts Act 2019
  • Advising trustees as to various rights and duties
  • Re-structuring of trusts

Plan your future with peace of mind.

Book a Consultation

  • "With the original partnership formed in 1933, Holmden Horrocks is one of Auckland's longest established law firms, and we have offices both in the Auckland CBD and in Takapuna. Our firm aims to provide effective and efficient legal services to meet your personal and commercial requirements. "

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  • "Cursus ipsum sit imperdiet ac eu ornare. Rhoncus pulvinar adipiscing augue quam eget et ipsum. Ornare habitasse mattis vel a egestas ipsum faucibus in vitae. "

Brian Somervell